Saturday, January 5, 2013

Welcome to The Blame Game

Welcome to my new blog!  I really have no idea where to start - it's 12:38am - I should be sleeping - but I have wanted to start a blog about my journey from where ever I am to healthy for a really long time so no better time to start than right now, right?!  

I was thinking tonight about why us humans  have such an issue with weight and the answer I got was pretty deep...blame it on Eve. Food has been an issue since the beginning of time!! I know you're thinking  "what the bleep is she talking about?!"  Listen for a minute - I am not an expert on the Bible - I wish I were (another part of this mission restoration) but I'm not...yet.  But we all know the story about Adam and Eve, right?!  Just in case you forgot or didn't get the whole story let me refresh your memory.  Adam, the first man created by our Almighty God, was created from dust "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (Genesis 2:7)."  Eve, the first woman created also by our Almighty God,  was created by God from the physical body of Adam. "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man (Genesis 2:21,22).  (I will let you do the research on it but the word rib also means  "the life" so Eve was created by the life of Adam.)  Adam and Eve lived wonderful, happy lives together until one day Eve ate the forbidden fruit.  See where I'm going with this?  The enemy found our weakest link - food - and used it to trick Eve and he is still up to the same 'ol games today.  But wait!! There's more!  Eve was DECEIVED into eating the apple.  If you struggle with your weight or your health in any manner you know all about deception ("You're so fat/ugly/stupid/skinny/gullible" "Ugh, I hate the way my butt looks in these pants" "You're never going to be happy unless you weigh ___ lbs" "Just one won't hurt.").  Do you think maybe there is a little (or maybe a lot) of deception going on here?!  But wait!!! There's more!  (I know, I know, I'm starting to sound too much like an infomercial. I'll stop.)  The enemy lied to Eve he deceived her into eating that apple but Adam knew what he was doing was wrong but he did it anyway.  So actually, we need to blame Adam, not Eve. ;) 

So what the heck does this lesson mean to you and me?  It means that because we live in a fallen world there are always going to be deceptions, lies, tricks, lattes, cupcakes, cookies, TV shows that we can't miss, not enough time to exercise and sometimes we're going to know that what we're doing to ourselves is wrong...but we're going to do it anyway.  How do we avoid the deceptions and lies?  We lean on Jesus for strength.  We repent.  We ask for help.  We ask for Jesus to show us the right way, His Way.  We begin to recognize the lies and deception and we refuse to give into it.  We were given all the tools we need when Jesus died on that cross.  We have His mercy and when we falter - we have His Grace.

This is not just another excuse.  For me, its a reason why I am the way I am. Why we are all the way we are! I find myself beating myself up all the time but now that I have a foundation of how far back this goes, I can rest assured that the One Way, the Only Way, I am going to be successful in my journey is to not  go at it alone because "I can do all things through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13).

The moral of the story?  No matter what, there are always going to be deceptions.  We live in a fallen world.  God can give you strength to get through anything.  

So here we go - this is the beginning of my journey.  I'm glad you're along for the ride.

Where I am Today: 

  • Total weight loss: 0 lbs
  • Exercise - none
  • Something good - I'm ready to get this party started!  

Health Goals: 

  • Lose 2 lbs by next Friday
  • Exercise 5 days 
  • Read the Bible daily 
  • Talk to my kids about random acts of kindness ideas 
  • Start a "Good Stuff" jar to open next New Year Day
  • Sleep 7- 8 hours per night 
  • Blog Twice 
  • Start my 40 by 40 list 

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